The bitter cold, the bone chilling winds, freezing rain, blizzards, barrenness, and little growth. That’s winter. In winter, we have fewer hours of daylight and animals (and humans, too) hibernate to keep safe and warm.

Winter sometimes causes power outages and road closures, delaying our progress and everyday activities. The brutality of winter can be harsh and damaging. However, there is hope:

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Choose Wisely: How Our Words Impact Our Lives

The words we use have a huge influence on us. The way you talk to yourself reflects how much you love yourself. Your inner dialogue can be either kind or cruel. Language shapes our perception of the world. It shapes our interactions with both people and things. Your words shape your perception of yourself. Begin by speaking to yourself in the manner in which you would like someone else to speak to you.

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How to Speak Life Over Your Child

As a mother, you notice a lot of things flooding your mind at times. Am I a Good Mother? I'm always concerned about minor details like, 'Is she too cold? Too hot?' Is she content with everything she has? The list could go on and on. Instead of worrying, I've learned to use our words to speak wholeness, goodness, and blessings over our children.

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The Power of Positive Speaking

Saying something nice to someone has the power to brighten their day or even change the course of their life. And it just might have the same effects on you. There are few things that can uplift others as much as a few kind words. Sharing a compliment or an encouraging thought can have a significant impact. It can make or break someone's day or even their week. In fact, saying the right thing at the right time can change someone's life forever.

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Back to School Blues? (How Words Can Make or Break Your Day)

It's back-to-school season! Schedules, routines, appointments, activities, and unplanned interruptions must all be managed, sometimes all in the course of a single day.

Jade, my youngest daughter, is the coolest and smartest person I know. But her easygoing personality clashed with my more energetic, let's-get-it-done-today personality style

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